Philips CPAP Lawsuits

Home Philips CPAP Lawsuits

Understanding the Issue

Millions of Philips CPAP, BiPAP, and ventilator machines were recalled due to the risk of cancer and toxic chemical exposure. Individuals who have suffered cancer, lung issues, or other injuries from using these recalled Philips devices may be eligible to file a Philips CPAP lawsuit to seek compensation.

Philips CPAP Lawsuit Facts

Injuries Associated

The use of recalled Philips equipment has been linked to various injuries, including cancer, toxic effects, respiratory issues, and risks of chemical exposure.

Defendant Status

Philips, the manufacturer of the CPAP, BiPAP, and ventilator machines, is the defendant in these lawsuits.

Eligibility Criteria

Who Can File a CPAP Lawsuit?

Anyone who has experienced adverse effects while using a recalled Philips CPAP, BiPAP, or ventilator, or has lost a loved one due to these injuries, may qualify to initiate legal action.

Symptoms of Philips CPAP Recall

Common symptoms include cough, chest pressure, headaches, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, respiratory tract irritation, inflammation, sinus infections, and upper airway infections.

Taking Legal Action

Seeking Compensation

If you've suffered injuries due to a recalled Philips CPAP machine, you may be entitled to compensation. Consult with a CPAP lawyer to assess your eligibility for filing a claim.

Free Case Review

CPAP lawsuit lawyers offer free evaluations of your case to determine eligibility for compensation. Act promptly, as there's a limited window for filing claims.


If you or a loved one has been harmed by a recalled Philips CPAP, exercise your right to seek justice and compensation. Contact a CPAP lawsuit lawyer for a free case review to understand your legal options and pursue the compensation you deserve. Don't delay, as time is of the essence in filing your claim.

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