AFFF Lawsuit

Home AFFF Lawsuit

Understanding AFFF Contamination

Manufacturers of AFFF, commonly known as firefighting foam, have utilized hazardous PFAS chemicals since the 1960s. If you’ve been exposed to firefighting foam on the job and later diagnosed with cancer, you may have grounds for compensation through an AFFF lawsuit.

Firefighting Foam Cancer Lawsuits Explained

AFFF, or aqueous film-forming foam, is employed by firefighters to combat fires, especially those involving jet fuel and petroleum. However, its production involves hazardous PFAS chemicals, posing health risks to those exposed.

The Use of AFFF

Cancer Risks

Firefighters regularly exposed to PFAS chemicals in AFFF face increased risks of developing various cancers. If you suspect your cancer diagnosis is linked to PFAS exposure, pursuing compensation through a firefighting foam lawsuit is advisable.

Identifying Health Risks

Types of Cancer Linked to AFFF Exposure Exposure to PFAS-based firefighting foam has been associated with numerous cancers, including bladder, breast, colorectal, leukemia, liver, lymphoma, ovarian, pancreatic, prostate, renal, testicular, thyroid, and uterine cancers.

Occupations at Risk

Firefighters, especially those serving in the military or at airports, are particularly vulnerable to PFAS exposure due to frequent use of firefighting foam in their line of duty.

How AFFF Lawsuits Work

AFFF litigation typically involves

Evaluation of eligibility

Collection of evidence demonstrating PFAS exposure

Timely filing of lawsuits

Negotiation for settlement or courtroom representation

Understanding AFFF and PFAS

Chemical Composition and Risks